Website Theme & Style Guide

Colour Palette

New Green
1. Accent [Buttons]

Original Green
2. Alt Accent [Hover]

Limed Spruce
3. Strongest Text

4. Strong Text

5. Medium Text

New Norburn Blue
6. Subtle Text

Fern Frond
10. Dark Accent

Yellow Green
11. Background

Original Blue
Not Used

7. Subtle Background

8. Lighter Background

9. Page Background


Managed in Customize > Colours & Fonts > Typography

Heading Font: Montserrat 600 Semi-Bold

Base Font: Default

Font size: 16px
Font line height: 1.5em
Font weight: 400 (normal)

Type Samples: H1 Heading goes here. H1 Heading goes here. H1 Heading goes here.

H2 Heading goes here. H2 Heading goes here. H2 Heading goes here.

H3 Heading goes here. H3 Heading goes here. H3 Heading goes here.

H4 Heading goes here. H4 Heading goes here. H4 Heading goes here. H4 Heading goes here.

Here is a paragraph of text. This is a link. Here is a paragraph of text. Here is a paragraph of text.  This is a link. Here is a paragraph of text. Here is a paragraph of text. Here is a paragraph of text.

This is a blockquote. This is a blockquote. This is a blockquote. This is a blockquote. This is a blockquote. This is a blockquote. This is a blockquote.

  • Bulleted List Item
  • Bulleted List Item
    • Sub Item
  1. Bulleted List Item
  2. Bulleted List Item
    1. Sub Item

Desktop Layout Specs

  • Default Layout1140px Design Grid (header/footer, generic content, blog pages, 3-column grids)
    • 3 x 360px design columns
    • 30px gutters
  • Wide LayoutCSS 1440 Grid (wider home page content, 4-column grids for product listings etc)
    • 4 x 330px columns
    • 30px gutters

Mobile Layout Specs